Articles tagged “execs”


Former Spirit CEO Ben Baldanza's Most Quotable Moments

No doubt 'haters' will keep hating Spirit, but there was lots to love about Baldanza. We're a bit flummoxed by today's announcement, but that's aviation for you. Fornaro has big shoes to fill.

3 Leading Hotel CIOs on the Secrets to Strategy and Innovation

Innovation is a continual process, which makes the job of a CIO one that is constantly evolving to meet consumers' expectations. To do that successfully, today's CIO needs not just technical know-how but also strong business acumen and communication skills to help businesses realize their goals.

The Firing of Starwood’s Frits van Paasschen - 25 Moments in 2015

25 Moments that Mattered in 2015: To make our selection of 25 moments, we thought back to the stories that drove reader engagement and sparked discussion among both travel experts and the general public. Some stories were quick blips that represented bigger things while others were narratives that built slowly through out the year. Each one, though, spoke to where we are right now when it comes to the big business of global travel.