Travel Industry Earnings Coverage

Don't miss out on Skift's in-depth coverage of earnings reported by public travel companies, including online travel agencies, hotel brands, airlines, and technology companies. Our earnings stories cut through the numbers to explain what's really happening at companies and within the industry as a whole.


What Hotels Say About Airbnb on Their Earnings Calls

Airbnb: potential distribution partner or industry threat? Some hotel companies and booking sites say neither, while others are keeping a watchful eye on both the positive and negative effects Airbnb may create.

Virgin America's CEO Wants to Avoid 'Garbage Fares'

The reality is that carriers like Virgin America are going to have cut prices even lower to compete with ultra low-cost carriers. Like it or not, "garbage fares" are here to stay.
Online Travel

Expedia's Answer to TripAdvisor-Priceline Deal? Direct Hotel Booking on Trivago

Expedia is concerned that's booking partnership with TripAdvisor will hurt Expedia traffic from TripAdvisor. Expedia's answer for now is Trivago taking hotel bookings. It's not a big answer for now, but it's a start. And Expedia might forge a booking partnership with Google in the future.

JetBlue Drops Cargo Business to Add More Human Cargo on Each Plane

Passengers will certainly JetBlue know how they feel -- one way or the other -- about the reduced pitch and extra seats added in JetBlue's A320s starting midway through 2016. Barring a passenger rebellion, the extra seats will be a financial bonanza for JetBlue.

JetBlue Passengers Checked More First Bags Than Expected

JetBlue was all about giving passengers more choice when the airline introduced new fare families in June. But It came as a surprise to JetBlue that passengers decided to check more first bags than the airline predicted.