If you’re heading to the latest stop on Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour, you will likely need to book a flight and hotel. Expedia Group recently unveiled new data highlighting how its advertising tools enhance visibility for travel partners on their sites and can augment partner revenue during popular cultural events.
The rise in luxury travel signifies more than just deep pockets — it's a shift towards meaningful experiences. Millennials and Gen Zers are setting the pace, choosing travel as a form of self-expression. Jumeirah is tapping into this trend to accelerate its global reach, shifting the definition of luxury from mere opulence to personalized, purpose-driven experiences.
What's in a name? Call them GenerAsian Travelers or Native Explorers, a majority of Asian travelers share a strong penchant for travel experiences rooted in culture and heritage. Their shared enthusiasm extends to exploring the broader region as well.
Some hotels are hiring "culture managers" to broaden their community programming. It's a promising move, given the rising numbers of guests seeking local discovery and cultural tourism.
Historical preservation in hotel design isn't new, but it remains relatively rare for hotels to honor the rich histories of their Black neighborhoods. The industry need more leaders like Larry Crosby, general manager of The Foundry Hotel, part of Hilton's Curio Collection.
Although a growing number of families are eager to travel together, convincing them to shell out big money for seemingly dry experiences is a tall order. So tour operators need to create lively environments for children to make their trips more appealing for the lucrative market.
Tucked away in the lively city of Jenin in the West Bank, the Jenin Creative Cultural Center prides itself on offering the perfect blend of local art and culture to welcome visitors. But, being at the heart of the never-ending Middle East peace process, the center has faced difficulties in changing perceptions to attract tourists in a region rife with unrest.