Articles tagged “cities”


Are Cities That Offer Big Financial Perks to Lure Events Hurting Competition?

Some destinations use large incentives to attract events with the promise of government-backed grants. Some detractors, however, argue that they’re ineffective — or so effective that they create unfair competition. Is there a place for so-called subvention as the industry edges towards recovery?

A Love Letter to Our Favorite Cities in Lockdown

Cities will still be the economic, creative, multicultural hubs of the world, and I, for one, am looking forward to living in and visiting them again. Listen to this for 30 minutes and rediscover why.

Smaller Cities Win Bigger Events by Trying Harder

A combination of small-city hospitality, modern facilities, a collaborative approach, and an effort to show off individuality is winning over event organizers who tend to select big cities for their conferences.

The 20 Most Popular Cities for International Travelers

There will likely be many changes to this ranking as 2016 numbers are finalized as some of the most-visited cities experienced weaker currencies or violence last year. Keep in mind, however, that some of these cities base their data on airport arrivals who don't actually step foot from the airport and experience the destination.