Articles tagged “burma”
Best Western may be the most daring U.S. hotel group expanding overseas
It is a mixture of timing and strategy that landed Best Western in two of today's most challenging hotel markets, but its agility to convert and brand properties has raised its profile abroad.
Myanmar doesn’t want to become the next sex tourism hotspot
An ugly side to the usual benefits brought by a burgeoning tourism industry. Strict law enforcement and diligence will help in stamping out a sex economy before it grows.
It’s about to get a lot easier for citizens of 22 countries to visit or do business in Burma
Burma is starting to feel an economic boost from an influx of visitors, but should be weary of making its borders too porous before it has an infrastructure in place to meet the needs of visitors.
Obama’s visit to Myanmar further boosts tourism to the world’s newest travel hot spot
Well-traveled tourists are looking to get into Myanmar quickly before its unspoiled landscape is commercialized, but its fragile infrastructure could crumble from the overcrowding.
Burma threatens to kick out foreign hoteliers who won't drop room rates
Burma's tourism has skyrocketed in the past year, and is now at a crossroads between hotel growth for mass tourism, or keeping rooms limited to maintain a more authentic travel experience.
Hotel industry boom in Burma's capital in anticipation of Southeast Asian Games
Hotel growth was sparked by the upcoming sports competition in Burma, and foreign companies which had previously been looking to invest in the country's nascent tourism industry are now taking action.
Video: The Asian elephants driven close to extinction by the tourism industry
A somber look behind tourists' favorite pictures reveals the stressful, sometimes deadly, transportation of elephants from Burma to Thailand, and how little is being done to stop their extinction.