As the Boston Consulting Group-Facebook study points out, companies such as Delta and Hipmunk, which lag their peers in desktop traffic, can make up a lot of ground in mobile. Hey, it's a whole new ballgame.
It's a lofty, but necessary ambition that will take several years to put in place at Amtrak's speed. Faster Wi-Fi and high-speed service are features that riders will be pining after for the foreseeable future despite rail's discussions.
Although many Americans would scoff at the idea of taking a train instead of a plane on vacation, rail travel is making a comeback both for its views and the unique experience it provides travelers. Amtrak might now make its name as the digital detox of transportation.
Amtrak has big marketing ambitions, but is still decades behind rail in other countries. It will need capital to make real tech advances before Americans will start to love rail service again.
Amtrak isn't trying to take Americans any further than they'd already be going, and probably not for a better price. Instead, it wants to give them a better way to get there whether it be more comfortable or more direct.
The travel junket is expanding outside of the usual blogger circles with Amtrak tapping an even more influential set of social media users. The company's quick response to social suggestions is creating a new and unexpected marketing opportunity.
We will miss Joe Biden when he leaves office in three years. Let's hope he continues to insult New York-area airports and lavish love on Amtrak in the meantime.
Amtrak has done a good job highlighting these stations, but a lot more can be done to enhance their tourism business value, and here we're doing our small bit.