Articles tagged “alitalia”


Alitalia Appoints New CEO To Lead Rebound Efforts

The bottom line is that new CEO Cramer Ball will have to get Alitalia into profit mode to please leading shareholder Etihad and it all seems like a doable thing.

Etihad Adds Residence Suite to New York Route in Open Skies Amenities Escalation

We’re not in the 1980s anymore. After a great push to initiate it and many trials to stabilize it, globalization has finally taken hold of the aviation industry. Turning back the calendar benefits very few and passengers will ultimately vote on Open Skies with their dollars, or euros, or dinars.

Can a Focus on 'Sexy' Save Alitalia From Itself?

Etihad is aggressively moving the pieces of its chessboard around Europe. But Alitalia is no versatile queen for the center of the board. At most, it’s a bishop.

Etihad's Proposal for Alitalia Is Expected on Monday

Troubled Alitalia shouldn't begin doing too many dances until the Etihad proposal is complete. The Gulf carrier is likely using this week's crackdown by the EU on foreign investors in airlines to strengthen its position.