Articles tagged “airasia”

Online Travel

Justice Department Very Close to Addressing Some of the Travel Industry's Google Problems

If the U.S. Department of Justice indeed takes imminent steps to begin the process of leveling the playing field for Google's travel advertisers and competitors in other verticals, the size of the impact would depend on the specifics. There will be a lot of wrangling — and this could be the beginning of the beginning.
Online Travel

Trivago CEO and Kayak Co-Founder Possess Skewed Views on the Best Way to Innovate

When it comes to brainstorming, there's no substitute for a Skift reporter ambling over to a Skift Research analyst's desk, and shooting the breeze about Oyo's model, or looking over a shoulder to view on screen how Expedia's marketing spend is trending. That dynamic is really tough to replicate on Zoom.

Asia's Travel Advisors Caught in the Middle of Cancellation Quandary

The coronavirus crisis accentuates the value of travel advisors as much as it highlights their plight as go-betweens in the tourism sector. But a bigger question looms: Will these travel intermediaries in Asia survive the onslaught of this latest crisis?

Tough Times Offer Asia Tourism Opportunity to Reassess

The coronavirus ban has plunged Asia tourism into a challenging period, but the outlook needs not be bleak if industry players take the opportunity to reduce their reliance on a single market.

AirAsia CEO Tony Fernandes Out For Now Amid Airbus Bribery Probe

There's always some give-and-take whenever any customer places a big order for anything. But did Airbus go too far to try to sway AirAsia? And what will this mean for CEO Tony Fernandes' grand digital plans?