Articles tagged “africa”


Zimbabwe's Healthy Tourism Future Starts With Healthy Local Communities

Often unseen from the front-and-center of a destination's tourism economy are people like Tendai Nhunzwi. In Zimbabwe, Nhunzwi, a trained accountant, is working tirelessly on the frontlines to ensure local communities are fed and healthy — underscoring the basic principle that there would no tourism without those communities.

5 Ways Global Tourism Must Rethink Its Influence as an Industry

More than two years have passed. Where are the new metrics tourism desperately needs? How will this industry actually treat nature and communities as equal beneficiaries? Is tourism ready to demolish its neocolonial mindset? Those are the pressing questions facing the industry. For now, it's mostly talk and no walk.

Kenya's Hotels and Safari Camps Go Local to Fill Manager Roles

After years of relying on foreign executives, more luxury safari camps and international hotel brands are appointing locals to run the show. It's long overdue because the Kenyan hospitality industry has trained professionals capable of running those establishments.