Ground Transport

Your news hub for all things ground transport, including coverage of passenger trains, rental cars, ride-sharing companies, and local transit.

Ground Transport

After Delays, Bay Area Bike Share to Launch August 29

Bay Area bicyclists can finally boast they're part of the sharing club, but may still have a bit of an inferiority complex until the program expands beyond this very modest first fleet.
Ground Transport

Details of the Hyperloop Design Finally Unveiled by Elon Musk

If nothing else, Hyperloop gets the conversation rolling on the future of transportation and has the ability to spark other ideas that could one day be practical, improved alternatives to high-speed rail and highways. Just don't expect to see its construction in California any time soon.
Ground Transport

Priceline's Could Be the Next Big Thing won't bring in the mega wealth that has done because of the disparate nature of the car and hotel businesses. But, there is a whole wide world out there, and, with Priceline's resources and experience at its disposal, has the potential to be a huge player on the global stage.
Ground Transport

How Mayor Bloomberg Changed The Way New York City Moves

It's tough to say that Bloomberg's lasting legacy will be New York City's transportation transformation with so many changes taking place in the past 12 years. We can say with confidence that the improvements are still just small steps towards insuring the city keeps pace with well-designed sustainable urban initiatives abroad.
Ground Transport

Are Uber, Hailo, and Other Taxi Apps Going After a Big Enough Market?

Plenty has been written about the e-hail companies' battles with regulators and new economy versus old. But their biggest challenge will be running what's basically a Ticketmaster for rides when the barrier for entry -- and costs, too -- are lower for existing players.
Ground Transport

Inside the New York City Subway on Both Sides of the 20th Century

Despite the changes in technology, subway tokens, and fares, we're still running for the train, chatting with friends on the platform, and using the subway as the fastest way from point A to B in NYC. How much will change in another video dated 2121?
Ground Transport

Google Glass Restrictions for Drivers Could Come in New U.S. Rules

If you want to use Google Glass in an automobile, hire an Uber black car, rent a Zipcar and have a friend get behind the wheel as a designated driver, or borrow a Google driver-less vehicle. Otherwise, the ticket inevitably will be more expensive than, well, shelling out for Google Glass.
Ground Transport

Free Wi-Fi for Tourists: Cities that Are Leading the Way

As cities invest in Wi-Fi to become more tourist-friendly, they're changing the standard to which travelers are accustomed. At the rate it's going now, the hospitality industry will have to scramble to catch up.