Only-Pay-When-You-Check-In Could Emerge As Alternative Amidst Flight Disruptions
If German lawmakers have their way, the advancement payment of air tickets could become a thing of the past, as a response to the huge disruptions of flights this summer across Europe, according to new proposed law in the German state of Lower Saxony. The local state minister renewed calls to introduce a "pay as you fly" (PAYF) model, where payment for plane tickets is processed upon check-in, reports BTN.
The German Business Travel Association (VDR), which has been advocating for a PAYF model since 2021, praised the move. VDR President Christoph Carnier said, "Advance payment for air travel is an outdated standard that should be replaced by timely electronic payment.”
Lufthansa launched a ‘Pay as you fly’ program for corporate customers in Europe in March 2021, where fares are typically more expensive and the booking process slightly different.