Sarah Enelow-Snyder


Philly Tourism Board Builds on Its Success Attracting Black Tourists

Even in 2018, many travel companies still hesitate to engage people of color through marketing. Those companies, which are leaving money on the table, could take a cue from Visit Philadelphia's long-running video series featuring a member of The Roots.

Marriott’s Data Breach and 7 Other Hospitality Trends This Week

This week in hospitality, Marriott revealed a gargantuan security breach involving 500 million Starwood guests. And, as Airbnb continues on its path to going public, the company hired a longtime Amazon executive as its new chief financial officer.

Latest Brexit Agreement and 13 Other Tourism Trends This Week

This week in tourism, the UK and EU have a withdrawal agreement, but the UK parliament could vote it down. Meanwhile, as Europe faces overtourism issues, its travel commission adopts a value-based, not volume-based, approach for 2019.

Frontier Owner to Rescue Wow Air and 7 Other Aviation Trends This Week

This week in aviation: Indigo Partners, the private equity firm that controls Frontier Airlines, agreed in principle to invest in Iceland's ailing Wow Air. Back stateside, United Airlines is feeling confident about strong demand and lower fuel prices.
Online Travel

Booking's Steep Promise and 5 Other Digital Trends This Week

This week in digital news, is taking a slow, methodical approach to becoming a full-service online travel agency. Over in Indonesia, Grab establishes the first partnership of its kind between a national tourism body and a ridehailing platform.