Sarah Enelow-Snyder


Auctioning Premium Seats and 8 Other Aviation Trends This Week

This week in aviation, carriers are auctioning off premium seats to squeeze every last dollar out of each flight, and the union representing pilots at Frontier Airlines said it finally reached a tentative pay agreement.
Online Travel

TripAdvisor Launches Redesign and 11 Other Digital Trends This Week

This week in digital news, TripAdvisor's redesign includes a new content and social feed that aims to convert browsers into buyers. We also have the latest on Almundo giving Despegar a run for its money in Latin America, and Sabre buying Farelogix for $360 million.

TUI and Thomas Cook Tackle Brexit and 10 Other Tourism Trends This Week

This week in tourism, companies with deep interests in the UK like TUI and Thomas Cook are anxious to see what the UK's impending withdrawal from the European Union will really mean for them. Nearby, tour buses in Rome are facing new restrictions on how many of them can clog up the city center.

Midterm Election Fallout and 18 Other Tourism Trends This Week

This week in tourism, the U.S. midterm elections and a new split Congress were top of mind. If you've overdosed on political news, don't miss an introduction from our new Asia Editor and ramped-up coverage of travel advisors, including a new weekly newsletter: Travel Advisor Innovation Report.

Destination Marketers Become Managers and 7 Other Tourism Trends This Week

This week in tourism, some destination marketers are broadening their roles and becoming destination managers, more invested in the local economy and issues like overtourism. Speaking of growth, the number of Chinese tourists traveling without a group are increasing in number.