8 Innovations for Smart Hotel Rooms of Today
Most of these are for hotel rooms of today, smart incremental improvement in guest experience and hotel room efficiency. The Hotel Room of the Future will need a lot more than this.
Is This The Most Perfect City Timelapse Ever Made?
The best way to watch: full screen, preferably through your big screen TV, with the soundtrack coming through the best sound system you have. Then you can decide.
Media and PR
Skift Asks: What's the Most Popular Way to Share Travel Photos?
While Facebook continues to be the "Facebook of Travel," people still love something more permanent for their travel photos.
The European Destinations Most Popular Among U.S. Visitors This Year
The U.S. visitor is falling out of love with Western Europe, barring Italy.
JetBlue Gives a Sneak Peek At New Interior Design & Business Class Seats
We'll let "experts" critique it, we think it looks cool and spacious, and will surely make a dent in the very competitive coast-to-coast routes in U.S.
Tourism in 2013: The Fastest Growing European Countries
Trendline: smaller destinations in Europe will continue to grow, especially economies that have gone through the financial crisis and come out better on the other end. Hence Iceland and Latvia, among others.
Visit Mum, the Guaranteed Tearjerker Ad Campaign from British Airways
"It has never been just about flying." The new BA ad tells of the reality of relationships in a globalized world, mundane when you abstract it, very real when you zoom in to the individual human level.
The Top 10 Spending Categories for Business Travelers: International Vs. U.S.
U.S. is still not that bad in business travel expenses overall, compared some of the fast growing Asian cities, some European countries and Australia.