Rafat Ali


The Event Industry Is Being Confronted By Its Napster Moment

All types of business events are in danger of their revenue streams of tickets, sponsorships, memberships, and other types of fees being eroded. This is happening as the world gets used to digital formats and alternatives emerge to physical networking, matchmaking, and other tasks we get out of these events. The threat sounds familiar?

This Stationary Life ...

We have always assumed constant movement is better. I am questioning that now, in an extended lockdown world ...

Who Wants an American Tourist Now?

Even as America reopens, its failed pandemic response means that tourists will be crossing its borders in and out of it much less for a while to come.

Podcast: Oyo CEO on the Future of His Company

A path to survival for Oyo was already compounded by mounting problems pre-pandemic. But CEO Ritesh Agarwal says he has a plan to ensure that Oyo will be around for a long time. Don't miss out on him telling me what is behind that strategy.