Myanmar gets a $500 million tourism investment boost, funded by Norway
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The Government of Myanmar, along with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Government of Norway, have launched a Tourism Master Plan which outlines 38 development projects valued at nearly a half billion dollars that will help increase Myanmar’s tourism competitiveness, protect environmentally important areas, and safeguard ethnic communities.
The master plan, funded by the Government of Norway, recommends building tourism-related human resources by strengthening the tourism education and training system, and identifies $44.5 million in new opportunities and partnerships aimed at training tourism workers.
International visitor arrivals are forecast to rise as high as 7.5 million in 2020 — a seven-fold increase from current numbers — with corresponding tourism receipts worth $10.1 billion. Under a high growth scenario, the tourism industry could provide up to 1.4 million jobs by 2020.
Myanmar Tourism Master Plan:
Myanmar Tourism by the numbers: