Despegar Is Opening Stores in Brazil and Argentina

Damian Scokin CEO Despegar company town hall december 2019 source despegart

Skift Take

You probably won't see many credit card machines at Despegar's stores or booths in Argentina. But you will see travelers with cash.

Despegar, which describes itself as "the leading online travel company in Latin America," is busy opening offline physical stores, with the latest rollouts in Argentina and Brazil.

The reasons are that online-offline is split in Latin America around 50-50, depending on the country, inflation-weary Argentina in particular does most of its business in cash, and Despegar believes the stores can help increase its profit margins.

In Brazil, the company plans to have 10 stores opened by the end of the year under its Decolar brand. The first would open in November.

With the same timeframe, Argentina would get five stores,