Travel Resolutions for 2023: Top Picks From the Skift Staff

Skift Take
It gets harder and harder with each year to put a label on the kinds of travel that Skifters love the most. We hired a bunch of new people last year and, as you will see, that has meant we are dreaming much bigger.
Last year's resolutions were amazing, but nothing compared to what we are aiming for in 2023.
I say it every year, but it's always worth repeating. We know any travel that we do will help define us, and define Skift. Enjoy our list.
Family Ties, Family Trips
Our twin sons are seniors in high school and as this will likely be our last summer of "just us" family travel, it's gonna be the summer of Europe! We've spent the last few years working across the continental U.S. (still much to see) but as devoted Monet and Van Gogh fans, it's Giverny and Amsterdam for us. We are going to work on the travel itinerary together for the first time and let the boys pick out places they'd like to see and food they'd like to try. As a family that has always enjoyed traveling and exploring together, this summer will be a milestone trip for us so we are going big and then going home! — Deborah Knudsen, Business Development Director
This will be a really exciting year for me. Looking forward to my wedding in London followed by a trip to the south of France to watch the Rugby World Cup! — Jennifer Kedzierski, Global Sales Operations Manager
No better gift than giving the gift of travel. We raised our children prioritizing travel at the expense of material things. The best gift of all was a few years ago, when my two daughters were in college it hit me that precious time with them was running out. I asked them each to pick anywhere in the world they wanted to go, and this experience would take the place of any other material gift I would give them for the next 10 years! Those two 1:1 mother/daughter trips (Antarctica and Bhutan) were honestly the most memorable and bonding time I ever experienced. So my resolution for the next year is to do one more round before they go off on their own. It may take the next two years, but it will be well worth it. — Carolyn Kremins, President
Something clicked this summer in our three week trip to see family in India that we plan to make it an annual thing, and mix it up with traveling within India to our various extended family in different states, which will also be great for our two boys, ages 7 and 3. Another resolution I would like to fulfill is to travel solo with my older son, who is now old enough to be very curious about anything and everything. It would be a delight to see the world through his eyes. He loves iconic modern buildings so maybe a stopover in Dubai on the way to India this year, Burj Khalifa is his favorite that he draws all the time. — Rafat Ali, Founder and CEO
I hope to break in my new European Union/German passport with a lot of passport control stamps from myriad countries in 2023. It took two years during the pandemic to get the passport; I qualified for it because my German-Jewish parents fled the Nazis, while other relatives died in concentration camps.
I'm thinking of perhaps some stints of remote work in Berlin (where I worked in a hotel in the 1970s), Sicily or Barcelona (I've never visited) in the back half of 2023, perhaps working/visiting a month here or there while commuting to my home base in Puerto Rico or visiting my adult kids in mainland U.S. A visit to Israel may be on the agenda, too, because I haven't seen my relatives there since 2019.
I'm getting my adult kids European passports, too. I see it as our insurance to have more options to live elsewhere if politics in the U.S. continue to devolve toward the place I have long thought it was going — Dennis Schaal, Founding and Executive Editor
In 2023 my husband and I will be welcoming our first child so the first half of the year will be dedicated to a few last splurge trips to California and Miami. In the second half of the year we'll learn how to travel with a baby by heading to Colorado to visit friends and family! — Kate Anderson, Creative Content Strategist
After putting travel plans on hold due to a loved one's passing, I am excited to revisit last year's resolutions and then some in 2023: L.A. for a long winter weekend as a respite from the Northeast cold and to visit a dear friend, a springtime mother-daughter weekend in New Orleans which was sidelined two years ago during the pandemic. Copenhagen for Jazzfest in July and a weekend in Paris to visit another old friend and check out the Giussepe Penone exhibit at the Pompidou (if you like trees, he's your guy!). — Pamela Firestone, Vice President, Head of Sales
As my husband and I are getting closer to the idea of starting a family, we wanted to try to fit in as many international trips as we can in 2022 and 2023. We had an amazing 2022 finally getting to go on our three-year delayed trip to the UK and added on a last minute trip to Copenhagen. Next year, I have already booked my 30th birthday celebration in Mykonos, Greece! And if time allows, I would love to take my mom on her first overseas trip to Tuscany. — Nicole Meyer, Events Marketing Manager
The last couple of years gave me and my family a chance to spend quality time together as we navigated a world full of uncertainty and change. One revelation from those experiences is recognizing that my wife and I enjoy the new landscape of spending quality time with our adult children-- and the grandkids are an even bigger bonus. Our family takes summer vacations together typically to places like Cabo or Hawaii. My travel resolution each year always includes ticking off a place we've never been where we can soak up a new culture and mingle with the locals. In 2023 I'd like to continue to paint the new landscape and travel with my adult kids somewhere none of us has ever been. What better than to set our sights on somewhere in South America. I can hear the waves of Cartagena calling. New county — check. New continent — check. Continuing to paint the landscape — check. — Michael Cunniff, Chief Financial Officer
Believe it or not, I went from March 2020 until November 2022 without boarding an airplane. Not a single flight in two and a half years! It was quite a change for someone that once traveled by air almost every weekend. This year, I hope to get back in the air with more regularity. One location high on my family’s agenda is Alaska, a state I’ve never visited. Though my eight-year-old son has already visited at least 10 countries, he hasn’t seen any of the U.S. beyond the east coast. California is a must-see for the little guy. Chicago, the Grand Canyon, and Seattle too. Ask him, however, and his top travel wish is Japan. Explanation: he loves sushi. — Jay Shabat, a Founder and Senior Analyst, Airline Weekly
I am lucky enough to live in rural Maine and work at home listening to loons in the summer and snow falling in the winter. That said, those Overlook vibes can set in and getting out of dodge is the best medicine every once in a while. My travel resolutions for 2023 are to finally get my family (wife and two adolescent daughters) to Paris for my daughter’s 16th birthday. The kids have never been to Europe, never been on a plane for over two hours and as all my Skift colleagues know, the memories of your first overseas trip are the memories of a lifetime and we can’t wait to experience this with them. Domestically, I’m also itching to get my Maine kids to NYC this year to witness the firehose of humanity that city is. Overall, I’m looking forward to 2023 and making travel a part of my life again. — Chris Hayden, Editorial Events Producer
While my travel calendar was wide open when 2022 began, 2023 is one of those years where most of my travel plans are already laid out for me: A cousin's wedding in New Orleans this spring; a trip to Ireland this summer with my siblings, our respective partners and kids, and our dad, who recently bought a small house overlooking the beach in Cork (where his extended family lives) for his retirement; and my brother's wedding in the Hudson Valley in early fall. I'm sure we'll fill in some long weekends here and there with trips upstate, and I'd love to do a relaxing weekend solo or with some girlfriends as well. — Alison McCarthy, Content Director, SkiftX
We're planning a family reunion with our extended family in The Netherlands in mid-June during the South African school holidays. Sadly, we lost our step dad to cancer in 2019. This trip was meant to take place before the pandemic, and there have been a few significant occasions inbetween, a marriage and a birth. So it will be my mom, my brother and his family, and my family. The plan is to do a stop-over in Paris to experience Euro Disney with the kids. We'll be feeling all the feelings on this trip and surely make some lasting memories. — Selene Brophy, Travel Experiences Reporter
Heading Due South
We booked a trip to the Galapagos for February! (which I talked about aspiring to do in last year's version of this article) We're also going to visit a cloud forest outside Quito on that trip to scratch an itch for my wife's pandemic-inspired birding obsession — which, I'll be honest, I'm not mad about... turns out birds are pretty fascinating. That's pretty much going to be it for big trips next year, but that also means we'll be extra sure to enjoy quarterly-or-so trips to the beach condo we own (and Airbnb) in St. Simons Island, Georgia, as well as the now-annual family trip to New York City so our 4-year old can run around eating ice cream and acting like Spiderman (and we can drag him to our favorite restaurants and museums in between). — Dan Marcec, Research Editor, SkiftX
For the past two years, my travel plans revolved around spending time with family, which meant several weeks-long trips to Utah and Florida. This year, I’m excited to get back to what excites me most about travel — venturing into the unknown. My late father, who worked as a door-to-door insurance salesman for many years, always said he was happiest “traveling on a road I’ve never been on to talk to somebody I’ve never met.” In that same spirit, I’m considering trips to Japan, Costa Rica and Colombia this year. Not knowing exactly where is the thrill. Let’s go! — Darren Frei, Branded Content Editor, SkiftX
Travel for me has always been about experiencing something new and in 2023 I hope to add a new stamp to my passport. My girlfriend and I have hopes of traveling to Guatemala to hike a volcano, chill out by a lake, and immerse ourselves in the local culture. Travel is also the perfect conduit to build deeper relationships with the companions you go with and I would love to go on more trips with more of my friends and family in 2023. — Robert Mendoza, Global Accounts Director
Sunrises, Sunsets — Just Sun, Please
I just reread my 2022 travel resolutions and while I didn't make it to Peru, I did go to Florida (twice), Seattle, Maine, Boston and Paris in exchange so no complaints here. We have three trips already booked for 2023, Grand Cayman in a few weeks, St. Pete Beach for the winter break in late February and Miami in November. Who knows what the year will bring but I am hoping to book a girls trip, bring my husband to Peru, visit friends in Milwaukee, and make it to my cousin's destination wedding in Greece. So many places, so little time but I am hopeful. My daughter will be coming to all but the girls trip so very much looking forward to traveling with her as she is getting older and truly enjoying visiting new places. Happy 2023! — Mariana Ruiz, Human Resources Generalist
When Deepak Chopra agreed to an interview in Las Vegas, of all places, I added a few days to my journey to venture through Arizona on my way. One of my stops was the Grand Canyon. The immensity of one of the world’s seven natural wonders juxtaposed against a backdrop of brilliant and vibrant reds, yellows and grays is both awe-inspiring and humbling. Alas, my visit was necessarily quick with the crowds daunting and a queue for a decent photo, so I vowed to return and do the Grand Canyon right this time, hiking rim-to-rim. And that is what I will do in 2023. I plan to savor it, revel in the mind-blowing sunrises and sunsets and dance beneath a tapestry of twinkling stars at night. Back to the interview. My first question was, “I find it ironic that I am interviewing you, Deepak Chopra, a New Age spiritual leader, in Las Vegas.” He replied, “I wouldn’t have understood your question if I hadn’t gone for a walk last night and passed a clinic where IVs are administered for hangover relief.” They don’t call it Sin City for nothing. — Andrea Doyle, Senior Editor, Skift Meetings
Last year our resolution was that Kim and I would make it back to Aruba, a place we have been going at least two weeks a year prior to the pandemic for over a dozen years. That did not happen. In 2023, that has a really good chance of happening since Kim’s cousins and all our friends from the Northeast are supposed to meet there for Kim’s 60th birthday party. — Alan and Kim Woinski, Founders of Daily Lodging Report
Having answered the lingering question of "will my baby be OK on an airplane?" with a resounding "yes" this year, I'm looking forward to a proper family vacation somewhere in the U.S. in 2023. More immediately, I'm taking up the grandparents' offer of playing babysitter so my wife and I can get a much-needed getaway to a warm, tropical beach this winter. — Matt Heidkamp, Head of Creative Strategy
After dealing with back-to-back cases of the flu and Covid at the close of 2022, my primary travel objective for 2023 is quite simple: escaping Montreal’s winter. I believe Leonard Cohen once said that an urge to “see real life” again periodically drew him away from Greece and back to Montreal, but I am currently filled with precisely the opposite impulse. The plan is to avoid April’s final snow-showers by catching a suntan amidst Athens’ Parthenon and Crete’s Samaria Gorge. — Angela Tupper, Branded Content Editor, Skift Meetings
Like What You Like
My travel resolution the last year was to break free of loyalty trends and try a bunch of stuff. This was wrong. The best thing to do in a world of widely inconsistent experiences is double down on the places that do it right and that you trust. Vote with your wallet rather than taste all of the flavors. This means building real loyalty and real relationships (not points) with the places and airlines you frequent. — Colin Nagy, On Experience Columnist
Having just returned from Dubai for our Global Forum East event, I feel like I’ve had my fill of bustling urban landscapes and will instead seek more wellness-driven vistas in 2023. While bustling cities like New York, London, and Paris always offer a feast of endless activities and nightlife, they also can take a toll. Sometimes doing nothing but intentional self-care and body healing activities are just what you need out of travel. I hope to find some time for that this year. — Brian Quinn, Head of Programming, Events
Into Africa
Travel has been a leitmotif in my life, but given what I do, it usually involves rushing from the airport to a big-box hotel or a convention center. If I’m lucky, I’m able to carve out some time for myself, but that’s not always the case; after a busy conference, all I really want to do is go home. I haven’t had the time for much personal travel in many years, mainly because I do so much of it for work. In the past, my trips were backed up like planes on a tarmac, with little room or thought of where I might like to go. Plus, we have two problematic dogs, and we either travel with them or one of us stays at home. This year will be different. My partner and I are joining my 89-year-old aunt on a two-week trip to Egypt. She invited us, and several of my cousins and their partners. This will be my first trip to Egypt and my first time traveling with this particular constellation of family members. It also will be the first time I’ve been on a proper group tour. I’m a get-out-there-and-get-lost-and-see-what-happens kind of traveler, so I’m curious to experience a pre-arranged program. It's occurred to me that I might get frustrated, so I’ll try to bake in some bits of private time to make my own discoveries, however small. — Lori Cioffi, General Manager, Skift Meetings
Morocco is topping my ever-growing holiday hotlist. Since relocating to France, I’ve failed miserably in exploring outside the “Isle de France.” That's Paris and the outskirts basically, and it's shameful I didn't make my 2021 resolution. So my unrealistic goal for 2023 is Morocco. There are obviously the benefits like the good weather and, with Europe getting costly by the hour, Morocco’s affordability. But I’m fascinated by the post-colonial ties with my newly adopted country. Morocco’s also been emerging as a popular remote work destination, over the past 12 months or so, so it would be great to find out why. — Matthew Parsons, Corporate Travel Editor
Combine and conquer. That is how I saw one travel blog recently describe combining a Spain and northern Africa trip, which has long been on our wish list. Only nine miles separate these two extraordinary destinations (by all accounts!). Here we come Tangier-Tarifa ferry. — Tom Lowry, Editor-in-Chief
No Planes, Smaller Footprint
Last year was supposed to be the year of international train travel for me, for environmental reasons but also because it's such a nice experience. I had planned to go to Denmark or Italy by train, but overnight train journeys have become so popular in Europe that there's a shortage of sleeper trains and prices have hiked. I'm not giving up though, and will push this resolution to 2023. I'm starting well, as I have a train trip from Amsterdam to Paris planned for January — admittedly less adventurous at 3.5 hours — and hope to add some more. — Dr. Wouter Geerts, Head of Research
My goal for 2023 is to buy a cargo van and build it out for weekend adventures. Hats off to full-time vanlifers, I don't think I have what it takes to fully live on the road (I just love cooking in my kitchen too much). I love the outdoors and being based in Utah gives me access to countless National and State parks to hike, bike, and camp in. — Samantha Dunnigan, Event Manager
Going Far, At Last
Hoping to visit Japan for the first time after years of rescheduled attempts. It’s a cliche, but I want the full Nippon: noodle shops and karaoke, ryokans and tea ceremonies, calligraphy classes and Shinto shrines. Rashaad and other colleagues have some good tips for me.— Sean O’Neill, Senior Hospitality Editor
My girlfriend will be moving back to Sapporo this year, so I’m looking forward to revisiting some of our favorite road trip spots and exploring more of northern Japan. Other than that I’d like to visit family in the Pacific Northwest. — Taylor Slattery, Graphic Designer
We’ve been talking about “revenge travel” the past two years as travelers returned to the world following the pandemic. But due to a cross-country move back to California last year, along with a bout of Covid in the spring, I don’t feel like I fully was able to partake in travel’s rebound to the extent that I would have liked. So I’m hopeful that 2023 will be my own personal revenge travel year. I cancelled a trip to Mexico City in 2020 that I hope to put back in the books, and I’d like to get in some time skiing as well. I’m also crossing my fingers for a trip to Paris or Berlin, along with a backpacking trip in the Sierra Nevadas (fire season and snow permitting). If I can figure out a way to meet up with friends and family for some/all of these trips, that would be even better. — Jeremy Kressmann, Head of Studio, SkiftX
Last year was really one of travel for me. Revenge travel, blended travel, "bleisure" and de-seasonalized travel, all of which made it to my life with my remote job. I traveled between 11 countries this year. I visited Qatar, Turkey, India, Indonesia, Singapore, Dubai, Italy, Netherlands, France and Mallorca this year. For 2023, I want to slow down on weekend traveling in Europe and do longer hauls in more offbeat/visa free locations. St. Mortiz and Zermatt are high on my list for this skiing season. But the most exciting travels I am looking forward to are visiting Botswana, Kenya and Namibia in Africa. I can’t wait to work with wildlife (elephants) and local communities(weaving crafts) while working remotely with Skift. I also intend on visiting Cuba, Dominican Republic and Israel. Travel for me feels like an investment into my life’s journey and so no amount of countries would feel enough a year. — Aishwarya Agarwal, Creative Strategist/Producer
I'd love to travel to Hong Kong in 2023 to meet my partner's family. After that, Japan is definitely a goal of mine since I'm a huge tech person and it's just 1.5 hours from Hong Kong. I'd love to visit Shibuya and Akibahara. Outside of Asia, I'd love to visit France since my father speaks fluent French. Nice and Paris are definitely on the radar! — Y-Danair Niehrah, Project Manager, Branded Content, SkiftX
This past year, as travel opened up, I, like many others, ventured further out into the world and saw family and friends for the first time in over two years. A huge highlight is that my amazing partner of 23 years, Kerry, and I planned a trip to a dark skies area of Colorado and got married under the night skies. We explored the mountains and the constellations together on that trip, and we met people at star parties who gather to view the stars and planets. The experience left us craving more. This year we want to seek out and visit other dark skies communities around the world and meet more of the people who commit to them. Our plan is to combine those trips with seeing friends who have been out of reach for the past few years. On the short list: Borrego Springs, near my sister in California; one of the star islands in Germany along with visiting dear friends in Berlin; and County Kerry in Ireland, where Kerry’s family owned a farm. — Linda Tepedino, Human Resources Advisor
My resolution for 2023 is to be more intentional with my travel plans. Oftentimes I find myself going on last-minute adventures after seeing a flight or hotel deal popup, or wanting to attend a concert or event that just so happens to be in a particular location. Next year I want to be intentional in checking off bucket list destinations that require research and advance planning, but leave me with once in a lifetime memories that last forever. — Jeunesse Y. Jackson, Account Executive, Sponsorship Sales
I am starting out the new year in Vancouver with a group of friends through the first week of January. I will then be living in a tiny town of 2,000 people in northern Michigan, where my best friend is based, to rehearse and perform a musical until mid-March. (I am not looking forward to the inevitable cold and snowy winter. I will think of this time as an artist’s retreat to reset and unwind.) Then the plan is to head straight to Europe, maybe Barcelona to start. I have another friend’s wedding to attend in early May in Raleigh, North Carolina. I may stop at my family’s lakehouse in central Michigan after that, and maybe spend a couple of weeks in my favorite spots in New England and New York and Quebec. I’ll head back to Europe — Munich, London, Amsterdam, Oslo, France — at some point for the summer and the fall, and then the plan is to head to South America, probably starting with Peru, for the winter. — Justin Dawes, Global Travel Tech Reporter
I’m looking forward to not only traveling overseas - but moving for at least a few months. It’s always been a bucket list item to live abroad for a while, and with Skift being fully remote, I’m excited to make good on this promise to myself in 2023. Timeline and location, TBD. But make no mistake that it will happen this year :) Top of my list: Music festivals near and far (read: seeing The Lumineers play all over the world), exploring new continents (coming for you, Asia!), hiking trails in beautiful new landscapes, seeking out the soul of historic cities, and really going wherever the wind takes me. — Hailey Smith, Senior Marketing Manager
I renewed my passport last year, so I have no excuse not to travel abroad next year. Algeria, Chile, and New Zealand are currently on my international top 3 list, and the Pacific Northwest on top of my domestic one. I have an Ikon ski pass, so hitting as many ski resorts as I can is a must before the season ends. I got engaged recently, but went to many destination weddings this year, our own will have to wait. I'll maybe report back next year for my 2024 travel resolutions on our wedding and honeymoon destinations … unless we accomplish both in Alaska, where we first met, in which case you heard it here first! — Diana Nay, Customer Success Manager
I plan to get back to traveling with my group of girlfriends. Four of us have been traveling together since 2014, but the last two years made it difficult to plan anything. Also, it doesn’t help that two of them are hypochondriacs! I hope 2023 gives them enough confidence to finally get on a long-haul flight. And if the innumerable videos that I’ve been receiving from one of them of the Christmas markets around Europe is an indication, I’m hoping 2023 will see me in Strasbourg with a traditional Bredele Christmas cookie in hand as I set out to design my own Christmas ornament! — Peden Doma Bhutia, Asia Editor
My hope is to take my son to meet his relatives in Asia. My husband and I were planning to take him in 2020 but could not because of Covid, and now it's been two-plus years and he still has not met that part of his family. Here's to hoping the final travel restrictions lift so we can make the trip! — Edward “Ned” Russell, Editor, Airline Weekly
I accomplished my 2022 travel resolutions, which was to return to Japan and visit a place I had never been to before — I made a short trip to South Florida to see a couple of friends. As much as I would love to return to Japan to meet up with people I wasn't able to see this year, my big travel goal for 2023 is to travel to Europe to see friends. I'm not exactly sure where in Europe I'd go — most likely France or the United Kingdom — but I feel a trip to the continent is overdue. I'd also like to visit the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, D.C. That's something I should have done already, considering it's not far from where I live and I have plenty of family in the area. So I am determined to finally make it a reality. — Rashaad Jorden, Associate Editor/Archivist
Out of Comfort Zones
I don’t have a specific destination on my bucket list for 2023, but a more high-level goal: wherever the wind will take me this year, it will be a trip with a purpose, such as learning a new skill or taking part in a special - local - event. I want to meet real people, shake their hands, I’d like to know their stories, deep dive into the local culture, history, and customs, and immerse myself in the local way of life. I feel we are (ok, I am!) getting too comfortable in our homes behind laptop screens and my resolution for this year is to step out of the bubble of my comfort zone and truly, physically, and personally connect with other human beings. — Beatrice Tagliaferri, Senior Graphic Designer
I resolve to sweat the small stuff during my travel this year. Too often, I get so caught up in visiting the "must-sees" that I miss out on what makes a destination unique. I'm not talking about living like a local. I don't intend to go grocery shopping or rent an apartment. It's more about visiting the B- and C-list attractions or towns. I am still very much a tourist but these sites often have fewer crowds and are more connected to the local history and culture of a place. "Big Duck" of Long Island, here I come! — Seth Borko, Senior Research Analyst
In 2023, I hope to do more and see more. The last few years I feel like I’ve constantly been waiting for the opportunity to see the world, rather than making them a reality for myself. I’m hoping to take on more solo adventures, stop by my favorite places that I can’t stop thinking about, and to never say no to a new adventure. — Alexx Mattox, Retention Marketing Manager
Closer to Home Is Where It's At
Since 2019, as a pre-turning 30 goal to myself, I've been trying to do one thing each year that truly pushes me outside my comfort zone. The themes so far have included: career (it's featured twice), moving home, and health. They've definitely pushed me and challenged me in ways I didn't expect and in turn I've learnt so much from them, which is exactly what I think my 2023 goal will do too. I want to go on one solo holiday next year; it's something that has been on my mind for a long time but has intimidated me for some reason. I've done plenty of traveling by myself but once I get to the end destination there's always someone I'm due to meet, whereas this year I'd like one week of being entirely by myself. The dream would be; Quiet reading time under the sun, exploring a new town and culture, eating wherever takes my fancy and making new friends along the way. My other mini-goal would be to do some more traveling in Scotland. I live in one of the most beautiful countries but haven't visited nearly enough in recent years, especially considering that everything (the Shetlands and Hebrides not included) is within a few hours of me! I'm thinking of the Highlands and Islands and little cabins by a loch with a wood burning fire. — Colette Edenborough, Project Manager
My travel resolution is to spend a week in Crete, Greece, at an all-inclusive resort. Yes, this year, I'm staying very much on the beaten track, something unusual for me. So rather than solo travel exploring Senegal, road-tripping in Western Canada, or exploring the uncomfortably spectacular sights of India, this year's travel resolution is to have a relaxing family holiday to rest and spoil ourselves a little. With two young kids, ages one and three, the ideal is to go somewhere not too from our home in Denmark, with a direct flight, where we can be pampered and feel safe with the kids without too many worries. I'm not making excuses. I'm coming to terms with that, at least for now, the wild adventures of travel are taking a backseat to self-care and caring for the family. — Miguel Neves, Editor-in-Chief, Skift Meetings
If I’m being honest, I’m a bit “traveled-out” at the moment (why it took me so long to get this in ). Last year was the world's return to travel and I jumped in 100 percent, traveling to Charleston, London, Myrtle Beach, San Diego, Hawaii, and capped the year in Dubai for a whirlwind Skift event. Grateful for every moment and wouldn’t change a thing but at the moment I can only think of spending time at home in 2023. Traveling more locally and enjoying the people and places around me more in New Jersey. This doesn’t mean the bug won’t return. I’d love to take a trip to Paris next year, and am considering an all-inclusive in Jamaica to relax and unwind. Looking forward to whatever adventures await me.
— Gianna Greco, Senior Manager, Operations & Events