How Artificial Intelligence Is Already Impacting How We Meet — Meetings Innovation Report
Skift Take
The Future of Meetings & Events
Artificial intelligence (AI) entered the news cycle yet again when tech entrepreneur Elon Musk sounded a warning call about its "existential threat." Whether you believe Musk or Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, who has a much more optimistic view of what artificial intelligence can do for human civilization, the one thing that can't be denied is this: Artificial Intelligence is already here and it isn't going away anytime soon.
In the meetings and events industry, for instance, we're already seeing how chatbots are being used to change the ways in which planners and attendees connect with one another, as well as make planners' lives a bit easier. That's the topic of this week's main story, written by Sheryll Poe, who looked at how one of the industry's biggest trade shows, IMEX Frankfurt, tested chatbots at its most recent event. Read the full story here. IMEX Frankfurt isn't alone, either; even StubHub is doing the same, using chatbots to not only sell more tickets but also gather more valuable customer data. (See story below.)
So, should we be scared or concerned? Or should we embrace this new technology? Only time will tell, but it's clear that there are ways in which the industry can use artificial intelligence to its advantage. But if we do, we certainly have to be mindful of exactly how we use it.
— Deanna Ting
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Social Quote of the Week
"Weekend Tuneup: Former Google Product Manager Talks Stopping Tech Companies from "High-Jacking Our Minds" via @WIRED"
The Big Picture
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Next Generation Meetings UX
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Share Your Location?: What is your legal responsibility to ensure that attendees know that location-sensing technology is in use at meetings and events? Here's what a lawyer had to say. Read more at PCMA Convene
The Skift Meetings Innovation Report is curated by Skift Hospitality Editor Deanna Ting []. The newsletter is emailed every Wednesday.
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