Expedia Calls Trump's Travel Ban 'Detrimental to Business' in New Lawsuit

Skift Take

From a financial standpoint, President Trump's executive order temporarily blocking travel to the U.S. from the seven countries is going to cost money for Expedia and other travel companies. That's just the dollars and euros part of it -- the moral and legal issues loom large, as well.
Expedia filed a declaration to support Washington State's suit -- the first by a U.S. state -- against President Trump's temporary travel ban against seven Muslim-majorty countries, arguing that it will adversely impact its key corporate goal for 2017 to "Go Global" and will have a negative impact on the bottom line. In backing the lawsuit, which seeks a stay of Trump's executive order and is also supported by fellow Washington State businesses Amazon and Microsoft, Expedia Inc. general counsel Robert Dzielak wrote that the company "believes that the Executive Order jeopardizes its corporate mission and could have a detrimental impact on its business an