5 New Travel Startups Saying Hello to 2017 With Some Momentum

Skift Take

Another year of travel startup trials and tribulations is about to come to a close. Here's a look at a few companies that survived that are heading into the new year with some momentum.
Most of us are ready to kiss 2016 goodbye while praying the door hits it on the way out. But we'd be remiss if we didn't take a second to check out a few travel startups we noticed during the past year that are heading into the new year with fighting chances. In August we paid a visit to the travel startup graveyard as part of Skift's fourth anniversary as a company, to reflect on which companies have survived and which ones shut the lights off. The five startups highlighted below have very much kept the lights on and each speak to some of the trends that made waves across the travel industry during the past 12 months. Whether it was conversations in the meetings sector about