2015 Archives


Interview: Leading Hotels of the World CEO on Branding the Independents

Although there are seismic shifts in Leading Hotels' business caused by changing consumer behavior, marketing trends and booking habits, Teng is not concerned with major chains' entrance into the sector. He believes that his and similar organizations offer a specialty product that cannot be recreated for the masses.

JetBlue Wants to Teach Passengers How to Be Less Rude

Using humor to define its brand fits JetBlue, but we doubt this will reverse rude passenger behavior. Engaging with passengers on this troublesome topic, though, is a smart enhancement of the airline's social media strategy.

Gogo's In-Flight Wi-Fi Certificate Issue Is Attempt to Block Unauthorized Streaming

Gogo wants its Wi-Fi users to believe the notion that it is primarily monitoring customers' Internet usage to block improper video streaming to safeguard bandwidth and the browsing experience for everyone on the plane. Passengers who are aware of the controversy will have to decide if they trust Big Brother up in the air.