St. Regis Hotels Invests in Long-Form Editorial for Its Digital Travel Magazine

Skift Take
The newest entry into the hospitality travel content space is the most nuanced yet with an old school appreciation for literary finesse, subtle tone, and no cute kids.
The very top end of the hospitality food chain has led the push toward respectable online travel content on hotel websites, but typically it's mostly casual short form writing designed to be highly shareable with an emphasis on punchy photos.
St. Regis Hotels quietly launched its new online Beyond platform last month, expanding on its in-room publication of the same name. While the new portal has its fair share of snackable blurbs, there's also a surprisingly varied selection of reposted feature print stories in full length, which runs counter to normal thinking for online destination travel content.
The Brave New World publishing house in London is responsible for the editorial direction and delivery.
For example, the Gauguins' Polynesia story runs over 2,000 words, supported with modern photography shot in a style that emulates the master painter's palette and promotes th