Online Travel

Startup Stories Series: Building a Booking Startup in Southern Africa

How does a travel startup succeed in Zimbabwe and throughout Sub-Saharan Africa? Focus on a neglected space in a huge market. Whether startup Africabookings can make it as a business remains to be seen. The market opportunity, though, is certainly humongous.

How Dubai is Building the City of the Future

This is the first installment for our Future Cities series, where we look at how inventive development projects, ambitious tourism goals, and smart city initiatives are paving the way for Dubai to build the city of the future.
Online Travel

What Behavioral Economics Is And Why Travel Brands Should Care

In the digital age of limitless choices, consumer decision making has become even more difficult. Behavioral economics, the study of how and why we make choices, can teach travel marketers new ways to understand travel bookers and new tactics to guide them towards making purchasing decisions. Download this report for FREE!

Florida Attempts to Reinvigorate Space-Themed Tourism

By aligning their digital platforms, the Space Coast tourism bureau and economic development organizations illustrate the next generation of content marketing that both services travelers and drives destination development, while also inspiring some of the magic of the space race.
Online Travel

Skyscanner Makes A Play for Japan With Yahoo Japan Joint Venture

Travel companies commonly face the question of how to expand beyond their home markets. In China, Scotland-based Skyscanner went the acquisition route in 2014, acquiring fellow metasearch site Youbibi. In Japan, Skyscanner hopes a joint venture with Yahoo Japan will be the answer.
Online Travel

TripAdvisor Wins in Italy as Court Rejects Hotels' Fake Reviews Complaints

No one -- not even TripAdvisor -- argues that all its user reviews are legitimate but the service still provides invaluable information for travelers scoping out hotels. Many global chains understand this, although the Italian hospitality association and regulators haven't received the memo.