Skift Global Forum 2015: Museum Hack Founder on Making an Impact While Staying Small

Skift Take

Gray's company exemplifies the challenges of a business that is more original than it is scalable. But it's enduring creativity is one reason that it's making a second appearance at the Skift Global Forum.
Nick Gray, Founder of Museum Hack will speak about how Millennials hack travel experiences at the Skift Global Forum on October 14 and 15 in Brooklyn, New York. See the complete list of amazing speakers and topics at the Skift Global Forum. Museum Hack has made enough heads turn with their high-energy and good humored behavior in cultural spaces to also offer crash courses at the Museum of Natural History in New York and the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. Founder Nick Gray is staying true to his brand's origin by keeping things bite-sized so it can remain a sustainable business for years to come. We caught up with him to talk about what's behind the demand for these types of tours and how such unique experiences are re-created over and over again. An edited version of the conversation follows. Skift: Being that Millennials are self-sufficient and are tuned into digital discovery during their trip, why do you think they are still interested in taking tours? Nick Gray: They are digitally saturated with smartphone ads, F