Skift Global Forum: Beautiful Destinations Founder on Visual Marketing Innovations

Skift Take

Massive impression figures from sponsored influencers that have millions of followers are impressive and easy to quantify, but measuring the efficacy of their visual content is harder but worth the effort.
Jeremy Jauncey will speak about why visuals are the new language of engagement for consumers at the Skift Global Forum on October 14 and 15 in Brooklyn, New York. See the complete list of amazing speakers and topics at the Skift Global Forum. We recently caught up with Jauncey to get the big picture on what is emerging from visual-based communities, especially Instagram, where his company Beautiful Destinations is a leader. Images are coined as today's social media currency and brands are desperately trying to mint them into real dollars, but don't yet know how. With most campaigns, measuring impact has been by and large quantified by impressions on print and digital. It has been difficult to really measure whether or not a person who saw an ad later bought a plane ticket or booked a hotel or experience. As visual expression is pushed to new heights by influencers who inspire millions of followers, iit couldn't be a more opportune time to figure out new ways to integrate data with interactions from highly engaged communities on Instagram, Vine, and Snapchat. Jauncey is the founder of Beautiful Destinations, and since 2012 his company has matured quickly to be an influential account on Instagram. With @beautifuldestinations' 3.7 million followers and a combined following of 5.9 million followers thanks to three other verticals — Beautiful Hotels, Beautiful Cuisines, and Beautiful Matters — its massive and engaged following puts it in a unique position where it acts as a publisher, distribution channel, influencer agency, and advertising agency for travel and lifestyle brands. The company has paired brands like Burj Al Arab Jumeirah, Plaza Hotel, and The Bellagio with huge influencers that include photographer Murad Osmann @muradosmann who, along with girlfriend-turned-wife Natalia Zakharova @yourleo have become famous for their iconic couple shot; fashionista vloggger Jenn Im @ImJennIm, and YouTube gamer/comedian Mark F