Travel Resolutions for 2015: Skift Staff Picks

Skift Take
We also resolve to continue being the leading news and insight service for the global travel industry.
We're not going to lie to you and say that getting to the gym and eating right are at the top of our to do list in 2015. We will, though, try to be better travelers and more informed experts.
Below you'll find the resolutions Skift's staff has for travel in 2015. It's not so much a list of places we'd like to go (although you'll find some picks) as it is ways we want to get there and what we want to know when we arrive. And while some choices may be pretty specific to what we do here on a day-to-day basis, we think you'll find a few ideas you can identify with, too.
Dennis Schaal, News Editor
I am so sick of hearing about lifestyle hotel brands that I am going to boycott all of them in 2015 and I will stick with big-box hotels like the New York Hilton Midtown that's so crowded you have to get a ticket for the elevator. OK, most of that was a lie and I actually like some of the lifestyle brands, although I rebel against their trendy coolness. I do look forward to mobile check-ins and mobile checkouts, and La Quinta texts when my room is ready.
Then I am going to do my best and live the Skift brand -- i.e. change and transformation -- and will patronize every disrupter I get a chance to use. Uber for car rides, Airbnb and Flipkey for apartment stays, independent hotels when called for, Rome2Rio for door to door excursions, Skiplagged for hidden-city airline itineraries, Kayak's hacker fares for other flights ... I pledge to use them all and I'll enjoy every friggin' disruptive minute of it. Apologies to no one.
Davina Chesterson, Project Manager
This year, I resolve (a lot of things):
To read more, generally, but also books about travel. I want to learn about and get excited to visit new places and have my agenda ready.
Write more. Restart a blog/website or Skift-related and write about my travels, people I meet, and photos that I take so they are harder to forget.
Be more Skiftish (or Skifty?) Meet more people in the travel industry, primarily those in startups and understand how they are building their brand and why they exist; where was the gap in the market and how will their products or brand be useful to me and our team?
Keep our team on track. Be communicative, practical, and smart when it comes to planning and executing the road map. Balance priorities and see projects through from beginning to end.
Un poco mas: Practice more duolingo Spanish (since I already covered Portuguese for the World Cup).
Anthony Derico,