2014 Archives


JetBlue Says It Did the Right Thing For Safety Reasons

JetBlue was the only airline to shut down operations in Boston and New York for an extended period. With customers facing endless waits at the airports and on the phones, did JetBlue make any errors in its preparations or response to the situation over the weekend and its aftermath? You weren't hearing any such admissions today.

Pilots Hit Back at JetBlue's Pilot Rest Excuse Without Naming Names

Newsflash: It snows every winter in Boston and New York, and it gets cold, too, although admittedly not as frigid as its been over the weekend and early this week. Shouldn't JetBlue had a major contingency plan for this kind of situation, and been better prepared to hustle in some new pilot crews when its flight crews became over-extended?

Marriott Jumps Into the Content Marketing Game

Marriott Hotels makes a somewhat surprising move by partnering with Fast Company, Mashable, and Wired to create branded travel content that could mark a turning point in hotel marketing.