Travelzoo Calls in the Reinforcements as a Veteran Exec Leaves

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This hotel stuff really isn't easy, and Travelzoo isn't the ideal candidate to start such a business from scratch. Travelzoo does, however, have 24.2 million newsletter subscribers, and that's a valuable asset.
Deal-publisher Travelzoo, which is adding hotel booking to its repertoire of getaways and local restaurant and spa deals, is finding the transition to becoming a hotel booking site much tougher than expected and the company called in the reinforcements in the form of co-founder Holger Bartel. Holger Bartel, the brother of Travelzoo founder and director Ralph Bartel, is a former Travelzoo CEO and was the company's chairman until September 11, 2014. But on September 12, 2014, Holger Bartel became Travelzoo's executive chairman, signifying that he will play a day to day role in trying to accelerate the slow pace of moving into the hotel booking arena. Travelzoo has traditionally offered deals and getaways; much of