GuestLogix Was In the Right Place With the Wrong Solution

Skift Take

GuestLogix has some heavy-lifting ahead as it restructures to downplay its reliance on low-margin hardware sales for use in the onboard sale of ancillary services. The company has long-standing airline relationships, and new partnerships with in-flight entertainment companies such as Golden Eagle Entertainment, but it is going to be very tough going.
Toronto-based GuestLogix, which crunches ancillary transactions for airlines and other travel partners, is in the midst of restructuring the business and laid off 14 employees in the fourth quarter, about 11% of the workforce, the company said. GuestLogix released its fourth quarter financial results March 24, and the company narrowed its fourth quarter losses to $2 million, compared with a $10.2 million loss in the last four months of 2012. (Because of a change