2013 Archives


The new TrakDot knows when airlines lose your luggage -- sort of

Watch tech press go gaga over it, but in real world, complaints on lost baggage are falling in U.S., and battle-hardened business travelers minimize checked in baggage anyway. But this could be a precursor to real-time luggage tracking that airlines will eventually launch themselves, for sure.
Online Travel

Priceline has a new board member: AOL CEO Tim Armstrong

Priceline, while an Internet company by the traditional sense of the word, realizes it needs more talent to navigate the new digital and mobile age. Kayak was a buy with that in mind, and now Armstrong joining its board adds to that.
Online Travel

Las Vegas’s new ad campaign to attract a different kind of visitor falls flat

Las Vegas has created a character to personify its city that is drastically different from the flashy gambler most Americans would imagine. The city is hoping new visitors will think of it a bit more like Las Vegasdotcom, the man: approachable, non-threatening, and liked by everybody.
Online Travel

Las Vegas tourist board debuts hotel booking and packages, but no reviews

In order to do something so brash it has to stay in Vegas, you have to have a place to stay in Vegas, and LasVegas.com's new hotel-booking capabilities will help some travelers in that quest. The lack of user reviews, though, is one of the relaunched site's drawbacks.