2013 Archives


Why Tourism Boards Need To Pay More Attention To Vimeo Videos

So far tourism boards worldwide haven't embraced the creative video community on Vimeo, and have mostly focused on YouTube as a way to distribute videos. The former can help them create the right kind of videos beyond the usual 30-second TV spots and the generic and mostly boring destination/activity videos.

In-Flight Mobile Calls Face Ban Under Bill From House Transportation Panel Chairman

Let's see: Now we have a powerful Congressman telling passengers to keep their personal lives to themselves as one of his arguments against in-flight voice calls. Passengers on European, Asian, Middle Eastern and Latin American Airlines have been making in-flight voice calls for years, and without major flareups.

The 19 Most Annoying Passengers to Sit By on a Plane

Expedia tries to sum its survey with a sunny figure that says 84 percent of passengers believe fellow flyers are considerate, but the excitement around increased in-flight device use suggests most people prefer to fly with as little human contact as necessary.

American Airlines Reveals Timeline For Reciprocal Benefits and US Airways Oneworld Entry

Well, the American Airlines and US Airways integration teams certainly had plenty of time to prepare for some of the early merger milestones, and they've started to detail some of the timelines. The airlines, meanwhile, will continue to function separately for an extended period as the heavy lifting in the integration proceeds.