
Brand USA To Launch Road Trips Campaign With Google

These Brand USA campaigns will be under great scrutiny from budget hawks in Congress, who would love to eliminate the countrywide promotional arm for U.S. tourism. The map/trip-planning idea sounds promising, but it all depends on its execution.

New Skift Report: The Rise of Local in Hospitality

The intersection of local doesn't just effect the hospitality industry, but also has implications for the local entertainment and arts scene, as well as creates the need for deeper tourism experiences. This is about remaining relevant for and attracting the next generation traveler.

Credit Cards Make Headway in Myanmar, But Tourists Still Need Cash

Even where credit card machines are present, there is no guarantee that they'll work. The seemingly antiquated method of travel payments is one of the more evident examples of how unprepared Myanmar is groping to deal with an influx of visitors.

Economic Confidence Increases Travel Plans Among U.S. Adults, Finds Survey

An improving U.S. economy is giving individual consumers the confidence to splurge on a vacation and businesses the ability to put their employees back on the road. The increase in travel intentions won't match transactions, but it's an optimistic sign for the coming year.

London Heathrow Goes from Least to Most Family-Friendly Hub in 18 Months

As competition increases for a growing number of travelers, airlines and hubs are looking to differentiate themselves with superior food, local culture, and family-friendly services. Those that build the reputation now will be guaranteed a larger share of future family travel.

What Ryanair Boss Michael O'Leary Said on Twitter Today

Well, at least O'Leary didn't have a problem maintaining his "voice" on Twitter. He probably didn't do much to appease Ryanair's detractors, but at least he was out there on social media getting involved a bit.