
The FAA's New Rules in One Handy Infographic

This should be easy enough to understand: Good users sit in rows of three, people talking on a cellphone get their own row. Wait, that's not the message?
Ground Transport

Zipcar To Introduce One-Way Rentals as Avis Builds on Early Success

Sometimes acquired companies transition to the parent company and lose their whole mojo. That doesn't appear to be happening with Avis Budget and Zipcar, which is getting newer vehicles at lower cost, and is positioned to move into new geographies at a quicker pace.

Everything You Need to Know About Using Devices on U.S. Airlines

There will be a ton of passenger confusion about what the new FAA framework on expanded use of portable electronic devices will mean for passengers, especially as it may vary airline to airline. Delta is out front in beginning to communicate these prospective changes to its customers.

FAA Approves In-Flight Electronics Usage if Airlines Pass Tests

We're all for getting rid of silly rules, but we're also fans of planes working. The FAA committee's recommendation that airlines base their decision on the age and type of planes they are flying -- even if that means we need to keep our Kindles off for 10 minutes -- seems to be the smart way forward.