What's Coming Next in Skift Travel Trends Report Series

Skift Take
Last week we launched our first subscription service, the twice-monthly Global Trends Report series, focusing on trends across various sectors of travel, from across the globe.
Each edition is a 15-20 page intelligence briefing report on a specific trend giving you great insight into the current state of the market, the context of what led to this trend, where that trend line is going in the near future, and specific strategies on working the trend for your business.
The first one, “Rise of the Chinese Independent Traveler,” is the most definitive report covering what the next generation of Chinese travelers want from their experience.
Upcoming reports in the series, released every second Tuesday, include:
- Airports as Destinations: Airports aren’t just becoming friendlier and more integrated with destinations, they are becoming destinations themselves, more contextualized and reflective of the local environment. Understand the history of this evolution and what you can do as an airport operator, hotel, or a concessioner to capitalize on the changes in air transports hubs.
- Trends on Content Marketing For Travel Brands: Content marketing is one of the hottest subjects in all of digital marketing, and yet travel brands have been one of the pioneers in creating media in print and video, much before any of the buzzwords came along. Have travel brands translated that to digital, and what are the best practices to be learned from the best? What are the best strategies for creation and distribution for content created by travel brands?
- The Rise of Local in Hospitality: Due to the confluence of social media and Gen X/Y travel trends, hotels are engaging with their local communities to provide more authentic and immersive travel experiences. Understand the evolution of this trend, starting with boutique hotels to the big box hotels trying to not act big any more, and get more hip about local travel and hospitality trends.
- The Rise of Mobile Booking in Travel: Mobile booking is finally a reality, five years since that the apps ecosystem started. Tens of millions in venture money is being invested in mobile booking startups like HotelTonight, companies like LastMinute are actually moving to mobile wholesale, larger booking giants like Priceline and others have been pushing mobile booking, and travel brands themselves have been saying their mobile bookings have been rising dramatically over the last year or so. What are the underlying trends driving these developments, which brands are best at it, and what's to come next on the consumer adoption?
Get more details on the reports and the subscription service, click below: