TripIt Pro to Get Aggressive Ad Campaign to Jumpstart Open Booking

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A lot of mega travel agencies and major corporations are trying to put the proverbial genie back in the bottle when they battle their employees over how and where they book their travel. The solution definitely isn't handing out badges and mayorships.
Corporations that have established strict travel policies for their employees are fighting an ever-more difficult, and some might say, losing battle. Given the maturation of online travel, the emergence of Gen Y and Gen X employees, the advent of social media and mobile, and the stubborn tug of travelers wanting to accrue miles and points regardless of what their companies' travel policies are, an increasing number of travelers are booking wherever they want, regardless of their companies' travel restrictions. Conservative-minded corporations call this trend "leakage," meaning their travel policies have spung a leak because of their newly independent-minded employees. Travel and expense company Concur has been on a mission to help corporations deal with the problem by enabling business travelers working for large corporations to book their travel almost anywhere they want, and they would still be able to get the preferred rates that their companies have negotiated with airlines, ho