Airlines should indeed be sensitive to the viewing sensibilities of families onboard. Perhaps the aircraft should be sectioned off by mature audiences versus general audiences? Maybe not.
Who knew Idaho could be so much fun? Getting a little goofy is the best way a destination with a less than polished reputation can catch the eye of younger travelers.
Local airport towers have become the poster child for sequestration, a battle cry that could be misplaced according to data showing many are no longer necessary for aviation safety.
Translation: This is a painful move for Rosetta Stone and its employees as the airport and mall kiosks were a declining part of its revenue mix, and the move sadly makes sense as online and mobile tools are undoubtedly the way to go.
This practice really doesn't seem so "out of the box." Haven't hotel loyalty programs been doing this for years? And airlines and online travel agencies do likewise.
Delta hasn't lost all its marbles in offering preferential treatment for Blackberry users. The promotion, which ends June 30, is similar to other "try before you buy" Wi-Fi promotions run with partners Google Chrome, eBay, Amazon, Ford and Diet Coke.