The new chairman has positioned himself as a supporter of bi-partisan initiatives and the roster of those who have contributed to him demonstrate a broad mix of support from every side of the industry.
There were no great signs of a turnaround in Travelzoo's first quarter results. It is hoping that getting into hotel booking and taking advantage of its subscriber base will provide the basis of an answer, but the company is getting into an already very-crowded field.
These airline industry groups are as opaque about their opposition to the UAE pre-clearance facility as they are about their financial backers, and we have the unfortunate feeling that its based more on prejudice than funding concerns.
Scotland's situation is similar to the rest of Europe, but it's compounded by the fact that it hasn't hosted a major event or have warm weather beaches to fall back on even when times are tough.
The connection between hotel design and culture is not always a straight line, but it will be fascinating to see the examples this well-planned exhibit calls on to showcase its thesis.
Just one carrier can make a significant impact on struggling tourism economies and this case highlights how reliant destinations are on attracting and keeping global routes.