Was Barry Diller uncomfortable with giving up control of Expedia?

Skift Take
Every billionaire needs an online travel agency trophy, but beyond that Barry Diller likely feels that he still has a lot of work to do at Expedia.
Barry Diller sold his controlling stake in TripAdvisor to Liberty Media, but he insists on staying on as chairman, with his 62% voting control, at Expedia Inc.
Is it because of a lack of confidence in Expedia's direction?
Is it Diller's view that TripAdvisor CEO Stephen Kaufer is the class valedictorian while Expedia CEO Dara Khosrowshahi needs some home-schooling?
Perhaps we are making too much out of a recent Expedia SEC filing containing a Diller email to Expedia employees. Diller explains that he plans to stay on and retain his holdings in Expedia despite his selling off of his TripAdvisor stake.
Here's the Diller email:
To: All Expedia Employees
From: Barry Diller
Re: Message from the Chairman
As many of you may have read of the sale of our