Top Travel Industry CEOs on Social Media

Skift Take
For being the most outward facing industry of the planet, the CEOs of travel companies aren't very social, aside for the few exceptions at the top of this list.
For the world's largest consumer-facing sector, you would think that the travel industry executives would be very social and outward looking. This is, after all, an industry built on hospitality. Think again.
Turns out among the legions of big travel companies across all its subsectors, the CEO and leaders of these companies very rarely go off track from traditional corporate channels of communication. A select few of them are on social media, and even fewer have a meaningful presence -- communicating with and responding to customers and peers in travel -- in the various social channels.
» One Related Link You Really Should Read After This: SkiftSocial, the Social Media Data Dashboard for the Travel Industry
Part of it has to do with the top leadership among top companies in travel: it still is an old white-boys club, for most part, at least in U.S. and Europe, and very few of them are tech savvy themselves. The more practical reason is that most of the large travel companies are public companies, with lots of financial regulations inhibiting the free form of communication that social media allows.
That said, the exceptions are below, Skift's Top Travel Industry CEOs on Soc