Articles tagged “waldorf astoria”


Why Hilton and Other Hotels May Not Like This Joe Biden Tax Proposal

The so-called 1031 exchanges are tax deferrals on profitable real estate that, at face value, seem like a no-brainer to repeal and generate revenue. But the coronavirus pandemic's negative impact on hotel building values should cause Washington to reconsider eliminating the provision.

How Hilton’s Luxury Brands Are Evolving Their Strategies to Prioritize Food and Beverage-Driven Experiences

Seeking out unique food and beverage experiences while traveling is one trend that has proven to be here to stay — but the focus has shifted from high-end dining to dining that is much more inclusive and democratic. By looking at Hilton Luxury Group’s approach to its food and beverage program, one can witness this change in consumer preference.

Luxury Hotels Are Missing an Opportunity With User-Generated Content

User-generated content is low on cost, and high on returns on engagement, but it's not always being utilized by hotel brands to its greatest advantage says a new report from consultancy firm L2. But is having a lot of UGC necessarily a good thing, or are there better ways for hotels to use them to their advantage?