Articles tagged “vacation rentals”
Swiss vacation homes become even more elusive with building ban
Although jobs will be lost in the short term, hotels expect a healthy bump from the building ban and villages agree a more sustainable form of tourism will have room to grow.
Vacation home sales pick up in resort towns in sign of recovery's staying power
The surge in vacation home sales in key resort communities bodes well for vacation rental companies such as HomeAway as buyers often purchase their homes as investments or at least rent them out for part of the year.
A few reasons why vacation rentals and Airbnb aren't a huge threat to hotels
Whether it's more room, unique decor, or something as simple as a kitchen, vacation rentals and apartment shares will always offer travelers something hotels can't deliver. But its not enough to make a significant change to an industry that does so many other things quite well.
Top markets for vacation homes in the U.S.: From Nantucket to Gatlinburg
Trulia's examination of both real estate prices and search habits based on a person's primary residence offers excellent insight into the spending habits and travel intent of Americans' domestic vacation habits.
TripAdvisor acquires Spanish vacation rental site and dramatically boosts portfolio
If you see TripAdvisor walking in your direction, don't make eye contact unless you want your company to be acquired.
The Germans snapping up vacation homes in Italy that Italians can't afford
Considering the high rate of home ownership in Italy, the situation is not as dire as it may seem, and definitely as dire as years of political apathy and corruption would lead one to believe the situation could be.
NYC's largest development reminds residents they can be evicted for vacation rentals
PCVST may have a ton of potential customers, but the complex's management is the 800-pound gorilla of New York City rentals and an enemy that's better avoided than attacked head on.
Why online vacation rental listings are still stuck in the past
Vacation rentals aren't much of a bother to the hotel industry at this juncture and won't be for awhile unless the pace of online booking quickens dramatically.
Banks now more cautious and strict about financing vacation homes
The second home boom of the mid-2000s was fueled by second mortgages taken out on primary residences. This time around banks are taking things slow.