Articles tagged “trump”

Online Travel

9 Travel Companies and Hawaii Sign Court Documents to Overturn the Travel Ban

Travel companies have an economic self-interest in reversing the travel ban and maintaining the relatively free flow of visitors. But, in the current political climate, they obviously feel that the issues involved are important enough to risk stepping into the line of fire.
Business Travel

Another Survey Shows Trump's Travel Ban Will Likely Hurt Business Travel

Confusion surrounded last week's travel ban, and two different surveys reflect the mood of the business community. Will time and a little more information provide clarity to ease concerns — or will the new administration create additional chaos with the implementation?
Online Travel

Expedia Calls Trump's Travel Ban 'Detrimental to Business' in New Lawsuit

From a financial standpoint, President Trump's executive order temporarily blocking travel to the U.S. from the seven countries is going to cost money for Expedia and other travel companies. That's just the dollars and euros part of it -- the moral and legal issues loom large, as well.