Articles tagged “spotnana”

Business Travel

Fintech Startup Brex Reboots Its Corporate Travel Platform

The bank has its eyes on snatching business from other corporate travel agencies with new partner Spotnana. But first the wider financial sector may need to stabilize following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank before it gains confidence from new customers.
Business Travel

Only 1 in 10 Companies Are Prioritizing Sustainable Travel

Most environmental, social and governance (ESG) reports include a company's aspirations to reduce carbon emissions and combat global warming, but at an operational level it seems there's little regard for the impacts of travel.
Business Travel

Corp Travel Agencies Need to Start Unbundling Services

If more companies plan on building travel programs using tech from a mix of agencies "like a Lego house," the larger agencies need to start accommodating that, delegates at the Global Business Travel Association's European conference heard.