Articles tagged “pilot shortage”


Mesa Air Wants to Try Again for an IPO 8 Years After Bankruptcy

U.S. bankruptcy law is funny, right? Less than a decade ago, Mesa Air Group filed for bankruptcy and investors lost out. But now the airline, with the same CEO, wants investors to give it another chance. Will they bite? Or do they have long memories?

U.S. Pilot Shortage Claims a Casualty: Will More Airlines Shut Down?

Great Lakes Airlines is essentially going out of business. The Regional Airline Association is using this as a chance to lobby politicians to relax requirements on pilot training. But that's probably not necessary. There's reason to believe the Great Lakes situation was unique.

Qantas Takes Steps to Overcome Pilot Shortage

Qantas' new pilot academy may address the airline’s needs, but won’t solve an imbalance which has already seen regional Australian airlines cancel and reschedule services. Meanwhile, the government has bowed to pressure and will again grant temporary visas to pilots after scrapping them last year.