Articles tagged “net zero”


Room2 Chain Carves Out 'Hometels' With Quirky, Design-Led Spaces

The rise of Airbnb has revealed consumer preferences to be more flexible than previously assumed. Independent hotel company Room2 is responding in the UK by innovating in brand standards. It has signed $110 million in new net-zero hotels.

Skift Global Forum Video: Strategies for the Transition to Net-Zero Travel

In this video from Skift Global Forum 2022, Jeff Nieman, senior vice president, operations initiatives, Hertz Corporation, and Danielle Bozarth, senior partner, McKinsey & Company, discuss sustainability insights with Skift Research as the travel industry forges a path to net-zero carbon emissions.

Accelerating the Transition to Net Zero Travel: New Skift-McKinsey Research

There is a lot of talk, and a lot of good intentions. Despite this, many travel companies are struggling to put net zero targets into practice. A new report by Skift Research, in partnership with McKinsey & Co., provides four strategies for travel companies to put words into actions.