Articles tagged “moxy hotels”


Hotels Are Reviving Nightclubs to Boost Visibility

The nightlife industry has long been riddled with fly-by-night club closures and seedy venues. Now a handful of powerful hoteliers are changing that by launching new nightlife concepts — and parlaying them into higher room rates. Who says disco is dead?

Marriott's New European Push Puts Moxy at the Forefront

Plenty of hotel companies have woken up to the benefits of offering good food and beverage options with an open and inviting lobby area. Even though Marriott is one of many in this space it does seem prudent to expand its own offering.

Moxy Hotels' New YouTube Series Is Not Intended For Mature Audiences

Moxy Hotels' irreverent new YouTube series is not just designed for 30-year-old women with boyfriend and fashion issues, probably. This lastest offering from Marriott's Content Studio, which is a bit edgy in parts, shows just how much the brand has evolved in the last few years.