Articles tagged “meituan”

Online Travel

Hotwire Ties Run Deep Through Vacasa SPAC Deal

The old boys network is still as strong as can be in online travel and elsewhere. It shows up in several ways, although it was far from a decisive factor, in the pending Vacasa SPAC deal. But those decades-old ties sure didn't hurt, either.
Online Travel

Online Travel Innovation May Emerge From Big Tech Crackdown on 3 Continents

Regulators in China, Europe, and the U.S. can certainly screw up on execution of their goals with over-regulation, under-regulation, or initiatives that are off-target. But there's something happening around the globe that points to a new and potentially hopeful era for competition and innovation.

Chinese Online Platforms View the Great Travel Recovery as a Drawn-Out Process

An unfortunate first-mover in the pandemic, China, in turn, got an early start on its travel recovery. But officials at major travel companies there view a robust bounce back as taking a year or longer — and much of that pace depends on how quickly coronavirus gets neutralized in the rest of the world.