Articles tagged “lifestyle hotels”


Accor Offers Glimpse Into Plans for Ennismore Joint Venture

Is Accor ever going to have the same U.S. portfolio size as Marriott or Hilton? Almost certainly not. But targeted focus on higher-end segments can make the Paris-based hotel company a formidable player on the highly competitive American hotel playing field.

The Most Important Story in Hotels in 2021

Despite all the uncertainty in the hotel orbit, all the major hotel companies returned to profitability. Keeping a grip on the p-word is going to require major structural shifts.

Future Hotel Acquisitions Will Not Target the Usual Suspects

Just because a company isn't in the business of renting out guest rooms to travelers doesn't mean they aren't attractive in the eyes of a hotel mergers-and-acquisitions team. Future hospitality M&A is going to be more creative than in prior decades.

Can Lifestyle Hotels Keep the Growth Streak Going?

Lifestyle hotels have become a popular place to unwind for many travelers, and hotel executives are determined to keep the coolness factors that made them an attraction. But growing pains remain, even when the pandemic goes away.

Does Myanmar Tourism Deserve Another Chance?

Rather than boycotting travel to Myanmar entirely, a more responsible form of tourism would be to avoid unethical establishments while supporting good practices on the ground.

Marriott's Mission: Make W Hotels Cool Again

W Hotels were once the hottest hangouts in town but two decades after its creation, it has been overshadowed by its younger competitors. Marriott inherited the W Hotel brand when it bought Starwood in 2016. Now it's up to Marriott to make the W brand shine again.