Travel managers are concerned about direct impacts such as the cost of fuel while "fiscal cliff" maneuverings in Washington are sadly more or less business as usual.
Large corporations and big travel agencies are feeling the heat from road warrior 2.0. How often do you see the GBTA announce it's going re-study research it completed just a few months earlier? The cat may be out of the bag.
The last minute rush by Brits to cram in a vacation before it was too late this year led to shorter trips and the willingness to spend more before the season was complete.
It’s an uncomfortable situation for everyone when a passenger can’t quite fit in their sit, but even more important is the flyer’s rights, which are still largely ignored by airlines with varying flying policies.
Transportatation advocates are rightfully concerned that DeMint is better at ripping things apart than crafting a travel and transportation policy for the future.
Travel and tourism spending by consumers and suppliers in the second quarter grew a bit faster than gross domestic product, but the growth rate for travel and tourism spending fell harder than the GDP growth rate when measured against their respective increases in the first quarter.
The economic slowdown hasn’t slowed the Australian tourism industry, which witnessed an increase in spending in every travel segment, including outbound trips.
Access to individual travelers’ data and personalized booking portals may help businesses monitors the costs of travel, but does nothing to solve the root of their problem -- rising airfares and room rates.